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Booth Mindset Walkthroughs

Catch the live replay of Sydney's interview with Lacey as they discuss the importance of planning, mindset shifts, and building out the ideal customer experience for your booth set up.

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Here are some thought-provoking questions to get a new perspective on your booth:


Tell me about your current booth experience?

This question is great to think about in terms of where your pain points are currently. Where do you feel you fall short? And what kind of relationship do you have with your current setup?

  1. How many markets are you doing?

  2. What does your booth look like currently?

  3. What are you currently loving about your booth? 

  4. What are your pain points on your current booth? 


What does your dream booth experience feel like to your customer?

This is a HUGE question you, as the maker, need to be constantly thinking about. How your customer feels about your booth determines EVERYTHING. It determines if they go into your booth or walk by. It determines if you get an authentic smile or just an awkward look away. It also determines if you are going to even get the chance to talk to your customers because if they just look away, they aren’t coming your way.


  1. What do you want your customer to feel when they encounter your booth?

  2. What do you NOT want your customer to experience at your booth?

  3. How do you want your customer to feel after they leave your booth even if they don't make a purchase?


How do you currently incorporate your branding?

Branding is super important when it comes to your booth drawing attention. You want to stay out for YOU, not because it’s perfect, trendy, or has the most to offer. Stay in your own lane and make the most of it. People will gravitate towards your brand who are your ideal customers, who actually want to buy from you instead of some random pass-buyer.

  1. Colors?

  2. Logo?

  3. Core values? 

  4. Mission statement /slogan/ catch phrase?


What do you need to TEACH to your customers about your product? 

It is rare but more common at HANDMADE markets that you need to educate your customers on an aspect of your brand that shows you know them and their needs. For instance, if I am at a handmade market and there is a sign that says, “all sourced in the great PNW by yours truly” I am curious to know who they work with that I might know. OR that by buying from this maker, I can use my dollar to further reflect my values of supporting the PNW micro-economy.

  1. What does the average market going know about your brand? 

  2. What do they know about your niche?

  3. What do they think about your niche?

  4. Why might they not be interested in buying your product?

  5. Why might they be interested in your product? 


How are you incorporating YOU into this space?

It is YOUR BRAND, to begin with. So, if I don’t connect with your brand, it might be because your brand is missing YOU. As a handmade artisan, you have a leg-up on larger companies because you can do a whole lot more storytelling. Tell your customer about you, your struggles, your story, your reason for the business, and what keeps you going on darker days? You can hit the heart cords with your customers.


Arrangement of products:

There is a lot that goes into arranging products so this section is short as we will need to do a part 2 follow-up. You want to make sure that you have an arrangement of products that make sense for your booth, your products, and your overall vibe.


What do I mean by this? If I am showing up at a market and there are 2 artists selling their art, who would I buy from? Artist A has everything laid flat on a table, minimal lighting, is slouched in a corner and there is no branding. Artist B has minimal displays with a few best-sellers sitting upright, is standing in her booth greeting people, and has clear branding. You get the point, I would, and I bet you would too, go to the booth that looks cooler and more presentable.


  1. Are people coming INTO your space or walking by? 

  2. Does your product require sensory items to go with it?

  3. How can you show off your SKUs without overcrowding? 

  4. What gift sets can you pair together for an easy grab and go?

  5. What items do you have at a lower price point that will be an easy buy to a potential repeat customer?


Bonus Food-for-thought:

  1. How are you following up with your customer after they leave?

  2. How does your booth reflect your core values well?

  3. How does the merchandising of your items allow for your perceived value to match your price point?



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